
Showing posts from July 10, 2008

Expecting God to show up(sic)

*At my church several of our well intentioned staff members have used the above term to describe times when something good happens in a group in which they have been leading or participating...or it will be used as a salutation. I have found it quite amusing that our "leaders" describe their experience with the Spirit in this way. For I believe that God has "shown up" since "in the beginning"--since the earth and fullness thereof, was created. After all, way down through the centuries, when Moses the great leader of Israel asked what is His name--the response came back in the form of the Tetragrammaton, *YHWH*..."I am that I am." My belief is that we are the ones who must make the effort to "show up"! "The Great I Am"--has been showing up every second of every day since before there were human beings on the planet who could even have expectations. I suppose the expectation that I should be tilted to the Knowledge that He li...

essential self

"Know One, know all." -from the Katha Upanishad To know others, you do not have to go and knock on four billion separate doors. Once you have seen your real Self, you have seen the Self in all. It makes it easy to understand and to forgive, and very difficult to quarrel. All of life springs from the same root. The Self in each of us is one and the same. For this Self, different names are given in different traditions. Christian mystics call it the Christ within. When a person ceases to identify with his perishable self, they say he has become Christ-conscious . The Hindu mystics speak of Krishna-consciousness, or say that such a person has attained complete freedom from the conditioning of time, space, and circumstance. The Buddhists call the same state nirvana, from nir, "out" and vana, "to blow." The ego has been extinguished; there is no more shadow to be mistaken for the real.