To follow and obey, or to worship...

One of my favorite quotes of Fr. Richard Rohr, the Franciscan catholic prophet can be disturbing to the semi fundamentalist ears of Baptists: The way of the cross looks like a way of failure. In fact, you could say that Christianity is about how to lose and win, how to let go creatively, how the only real ascent is a true descent. We need to be concerned with following Jesus, which he told us to do seventeen times, and less with worshipping Jesus--which he never told us once to do. What? Do what he says as the way to worship, not just simply to worship? Yes. The essence of being "in yoke" implies simple trust in his path, his way. Is it easier to place Jesus up on a pedestal-on the front of the sanctuary and worship his doings, his sacrifice, his example as an object worthy of our worship... rather than seeking to obey and follow him with all our heart and soul, as the way to worship the Father? But, then again, the way of descent, is never choosing the easy way, is it? My ...