
Showing posts from July 9, 2011

‘Viable’ spirituality

According to early twentieth century Russian Orthodox Christian Hermeticist Valentin Tomberg (d.1973) , there are several essential conditions to which any viable spiritual tradition must adhere. [ His perspectives on this and many other issues of vital importance to those who would intend to grow as one of those who follow seek to Christ are contained in his treatise—“Meditations on the Tarot”, published 1985, translated by Robert Powell.   A spiritual director recommended it to me in 2004 and I have read and reread it twice since then. I recommend this book to anyone who desires to dive deep into the practice of contemplation/meditation.] 1. It must be founded from above. That is, it must “come from either explicit revelation, or by direct action from above—acting with moral irresistibility.” Examples: The monastic orders of Benedictine, Dominican, Franciscan, Jesuit, Cistercian…he goes on to say that “these orders have survived through the centuries because of explicit ...