
Showing posts from April 5, 2009

Leaving resentment in God's Hands

He insulted me, he cheated me, he beat me, he robbed me - those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace. -The Buddha Resentment is nothing more than compulsive attachment to a set of memories. If you could peek through the window of the mind when you feel resentful, you would see a production line turning out the same emotion-charged memory over and over: "He did that to me in 1993, he did that to me in 1993 . . ." You are dwelling on something that took place in the past - or, more likely, on how you misunderstood that event and reacted to your misunderstanding. When you keep pumping attention into an event in this way, a limp little memory gets blown up into a big balloon of hostility. When you withdraw your attention by repeating the mantram , the balloon is deflated. It's as simple as that. ~ Sri Easwaran I am definitely synchronous with Sri Easwaran's position, in that my own personal mantra is the Jesus Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy...