Trusteeship of resources
The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. -Psalms You and I are trustees. Nothing belongs to us personally. The resources we have been given have been entrusted to every one of us individually and together. Like good bank trustees, we are expected not to squander these resources but to invest them wisely for our beneficiaries: the rest of life, especially the generations to come. This is especially true when it comes to our local church community. The trust includes not only the lives and natural resources of the planet, but our inner spiritual resources as well. This has practical implications. We can lessen our potentially exhausting impact on the earth by simplifying our desires and demands. Simplicity is the key to trusteeship. I find that simply writing a check to tithe(10% and up) the earnings I receive and send that check to my church is a simple way to insure that I am investing those entrusted, God given spiritual and financ...