The difficult task: dealing with freedom

"The realm of freedom is a prerequisite of virtue, just as it is of sin. It is God's great risk. The freedom to fall is also the freedom to rise. It is precisely in our failure, our experience of poverty. weakness, emptiness that we can come to experience God's restoration and healing love. You can say--oh, that's dangerous, it sounds as if you are justifying sin. But I am trying to be the ultimate realist. Salvation is sin overturned and outdone, as God expands and educates our true freedom. Free will and freedom of conscience are at the heart of the doctrine of grace and at the center of Christian morality. ~ Fr. Richard Rohr It seems to me that as a 21st century follower who is seeking to be "in yoke" with Christ, one of the basic principles of living, moving and having my being in Christ that is hardest to grasp and live with daily is the concept/doctrine of grace. For me it is easier to conceive traditional Puritan influenced legalism and c...