Ingratitude--a dead end

(adapted from Fr. Richard Rohr) When Job believes he is about to lose his life, he has a choice. He can respond in one of two ways. He can curse God and die; and I think he considers that option quite seriously for a moment ...(I know I have considered the relief of pain and suffering for myself if I was to die and be done with the humiliations I was suffering!) or he can surrender to the love and the grace that he had become awakened to/aware of and say : "Why fifty years? Why did I deserve anything?" When we take on that attitude, we have made a decision for grace, not "rights" or "entitlement"! "Naked I came into the world, and naked I will leave"(Job 1:21) What do I have brothers and sisters, that has not been given to me? All is grace. All is given. Who gave me the hands I am using to type this or to do anything creative? Who created the eyes whose connectivity, configuration, construction, and 'wiring' I cannot begin to understand?...