
Showing posts from April 17, 2010

Applying a ‘sacred spam filter’ to our daily work

The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament.   – Brother Lawrence The mind has a tremendous natural capacity to dwell on things, and in repeating the sacred word , or in the hindu/buddhist tradition, the mantram- we are channeling this capacity to train the mind. It is the same capacity, only we are giving it a different focus. There is a story in the Hasidic tradition of Judaism in which a man asks his zaddik or spiritual teacher, “Do you mean we should remember the Lord even in the give-and-take of business?” “Yes, of course,” the rabbi replies. “If we can remember business matters in the hour of prayer, shouldn’t we be able to remember God in the transactions of our business?” ~ Easwaran Paul says that whatever we do, we do in the Nam...