
Showing posts from April 14, 2011

A foundation for life

Watch closely. I am laying a foundation stone in Zion. A solid granite foundation, squared and true. And this is the meaning of the stone: “A TRUSTING LIFE WON’T TOPPLE.” I will make JUSTICE the measuring stick, and RIGHTEOUSNESS the plumb line for the building (that is your life). May I embody and manifest “a trusting life.” Trusting in faith, in Christ Jesus, who himself is the Cornerstone. Awaken me Lord Christ, and by your Spirit, in moans and groans I cannot even understand, pray for me, and enliven my spirit, that I might live in complete trust in your Word, in your life within me, in You, alone. For it is by your grace and only by your grace that I live move and have being. Amen. [Isaiah 28-The Message]