That you, You Are!

“One of the great statements called mahavakyas in Sanskrit that has reverberated down the centuries for thousands of years is tat tvam asi . There is a precision about this formula, as I call it, which is not philosophy nor is it metaphysics. “ Tat literally means ‘That’ – the infinite, immortal, immutable spirit that is at the core of human consciousness. It’s called by a precise scientific name, atman , the Self , which is closer to me than this body, which, as the Sufis say, is nearer to me than my jugular vein, which is dearer to me than my very life. Tat is the supreme reality from which words turn back frightened, which thoughts cannot reach. “The second word is tvam , ‘you.’ It is addressed to everyone without exception. “And the third word, asi , means ‘ you are .’ Whether you believe it or not, it does not matter. Whether you accept it or not, it does not matter. That is what you are.” ~ Eknath Easwaran This truth as expressed in Sanskrit, which is much more specific ...