Abide in peace, banish cares, take no account of all that happens, and you will serve God according to His good pleasure, and rest in Him. – Saint John of the Cross I was drawn to this vignette from Sri (teacher) Easwaran, Fulbright scholar, 1958, of Kerala, India, was Professor of Meditation and Transformational Spirituality, Cal Berkeley, 1959-to the late 80’s. “We have many stories from the Hindu scriptures about gambling, some about kings who lost entire kingdoms gambling at dice. There is the moving story of King Yudhishthira, who lost his kingdom and went into exile, and yet came back, after a terrible battle, to regain everything through the grace of Sri Krishna. Many people are tempted to gamble, to take risks, when the stakes are high. The mystics would ask us, “Why don’t you bet on goodness? Try to be kind to someone who is unkind to you, and look upon it as a gamble.” Of course we are not sure how the other person is going to respond – that is the thrill of i...