
Showing posts from December 25, 2011

The process- “Putting on the Mind of Christ”

In order to progress along “the path of spiritual progress”, or “spiritual formation”, Jim Marion, author of Putting on the Mind of Christ, shares this step by step pathway. This is not unlike the “eightfold path” taught by meditation masters of Buddhism or Hinduism, however, my tradition is to be an ever growing Christ follower. That is my path, my leading…but the wisdom of other masters, other than Christ, can be helpful. 1. First and foremost, in a humble, prayerful attitude, honestly and truthfully, I must allow the Holy Spirit to assist me in assessing where I am. “ Where I am” today is perfect for the lessons that the Holy Spirit wants me to learn. The Spirit is providing “mirrors”, that is, other people who reflect back to us our level of consciousness. What is it that I fear? What are my strengths? What are the areas of my own life where I am weak? What are my aptitudes? What is the practice I am applying to growing my strengths and allowing the Spirit to decrease or...