
Showing posts from August 2, 2009

Quit being SO freakin' selfish!

"God expects but one thing of you, and that is that you should come out of yourself insofar as you are a created being and let God be God in you." -Meister Eckhart In those moments when we forget ourselves - not thinking, "Am I happy?" but completely oblivious to our little ego -we spend a brief but beautiful holiday in heaven. The joy we experience in these moments of self-forgetting is our true nature, our native state. To regain it, we have simply to empty ourselves of what hides this joy: that is, to stop dwelling on ourselves . To the extent that we are not full of ourselves, God can fill us. "If you go out of yourself,"says Johannes Tauler, "without doubt he shall go in, and there will be much or little of his entering in according to how much or little you go out." ...