
Showing posts from August 6, 2013

The Essential Connection

Jesus became the Christ. In manifesting as The Christ, through his actions and his teachings, Jesus introduced the concept of 'Christ Consciousness' . Christ Consciousness is the awareness and the nurture of one’s Inner Flame, or Essence of Being. The “I Am That I Am.” This center of being is a teacher and mentor, in the exploration and implementation of the teachings and the becoming of the Christ within, and hopefully, manifested in the life. He taught that all have that ‘Essential Connection’ to the “The Father”. The Christ within…in each person…each of us. You. Me. Thus, when He states an eternal truth in scripture: “I AM the Way, the Truth, the Life – no man comes to the Father but through me.” He is speaking of “the Essential Connection”, that is, only through the Christ Consciousness connection can My Way, in light of The Truth and in My Life, be fully made manifest. No one can “come to the Father”, that is, can one experience abundant life, today, except thr...