The Essential Connection

Jesus became the Christ.
In manifesting as The Christ, through his actions and his teachings, Jesus introduced the concept of 'Christ Consciousness'.
Christ Consciousness is the awareness and the nurture of one’s Inner Flame, or Essence of Being.
The “I Am That I Am.” This center of being is a teacher and mentor, in the exploration and implementation of the teachings and the becoming of the Christ within, and hopefully, manifested in the life.
He taught that all have that ‘Essential Connection’ to the “The Father”.
The Christ within…in each person…each of us.
You. Me.
Thus, when He states an eternal truth in scripture:
“I AM the Way, the Truth, the Life – no man comes to the Father but through me.”
He is speaking of “the Essential Connection”, that is, only through the Christ Consciousness connection can My Way, in light of The Truth and in My Life, be fully made manifest.
No one can “come to the Father”, that is, can one experience abundant life, today, except through an essential, connected awareness—which is being "born into" this awareness, this consciousness, this Christed-ness. Without this birth, we exist in a false and disconnected state.
This leads to the realization that we in the West seem to have omitted one of the most grounded beliefs of spiritual Truth, in our human experience: that is, in order to be born again, the old husk must be shed off, that is the former false self, the Ego awareness, must be transcended and the false and disconnected self must die. It is this ‘die before you die’ concept referred to by Sufism, that is a key aspect of “Essential Connection” awareness.
Death, in its finality, as a linear terminus, must occur so that the Ego in its attempts at Grandeur and an overweening, proud existence, can be buried and left, only as a memory and as a Mentor.
Because — the dead -- cannot be offended.
The Dead are unconcerned about hurt feelings, jealousy or envy.
Dead people do not act out of revenge.
The dead are not concerned about status or prestige. The dead know the truth about time, the eternal, the spiritual.
I can choose to react as if my ego is dead.
If  my egoistic self is reacting as if I am dead...I can live in the eternal now. Confident in what is the way, the truth and the life, for me.
So may I let the ego be completely dead, and be directed to live out of the Essence, the spark of the Eternal…and through ongoing ever living Christ consciousness, experience abundant life.


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