
Showing posts from February 26, 2010

In response to a question—what should our new church staff person do—in meeting the needs of the college age(or any other age) group?

This question came from a dear friend who is involved in a church that puts emphasis on ministry to college aged people, and upon those who recently graduated from college. This question caught me in a moment of passion and inspiration! I had been discussing this “spiritual formation” topic with some friends, just this morning. I have given this matter some thought since our church, Calvary, has begun the introduction of contemplative prayer as a Wednesday night series. This is what I replied to the query: The age group from 18-24 needs what all truly converted believers need, and that is a way to learn how to grow as a Christ follower ,  i.e.  "a lifetime of discovery"...In my view, our churches generally tend to focus on the new birth and leave out the "how do you grow" part. I would suggest that the person you employ should have insight (that is, a personalized, seemingly "cool" way to teach young folks how to develop their own pathwa...