
Showing posts from January 9, 2014

Wise and aware

"W ho, then, are the wise and aware among you? Let them show their wisdom through the practice of gracious and humble living. If, however, there is bitterness and jealousy among you, or if there is conflict inside your hearts, then you should not be pleased, nor should you try to deny the truth of things. None of this is true wisdom from a transcendent source; rather it is debased and self-serving—even demonic. For wherever jealousy and divisions are present, you are sure to find every other kind of disorder and disruptive practice. However, transcendent wisdom is above all, pure, impeccable, and peaceful in nature. It expresses itself in straight-forward, considerate openmindedness. It is sincere, rich in compassion and in acts of goodness, which are its fruits. Peace, then, becomes the seed-bed of integrity, and peacemakers reap the harvest." The W isdom of Y a’akov, Brother of Yeshua - by Lynn Bauman, Translation of the Epistle of James, 3:13-18...