The narrow path
No one hath so cordial a feeling of the Passion of Christ, as one who hath suffered the like himself. -Thomas a Kempis The principle underlying the Passion of Christ is that out of his infinite mercy, the Lord has taken our suffering upon himself. As long as any living creature is in pain, so is Jesus, for he lives at the heart of all(That “Divine Spark”). Wherever violence breaks out, no matter how cleverly we try to justify it, we are crucifying the spirit of Christ. Patience and passion both come from a Latin word meaning to suffer or endure. When we speak of the Passion of Christ, we are recalling the suffering he endured on the cross. Whenever we practice patience - cheerfully bearing with somebody who is irascible, or enduring a discomfort of our own rather than imposing it on others - in a small way we are embracing the principle of the Passion . (This...