
Showing posts from November 2, 2008

Courageous Living

For the past weeks, I have been pondering the meaning of courage . Let me explain the process of my thinking. As an introduction to the topic I found a most meaningful quote in a script from a well known movie regarding this elusive but needed quality. “ Courage! What makes a king out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage! What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot? What have they got that I ain't got? Courage! ” (Thanks to the Cowardly Lion...), what is it? ----1 st the dictionary definition--- cour·age –n: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear ; bravery.; to have the courage of one's convictions, to act in acco...