Perverse or faithful disciples?
When we walk our walk without faith, we are “perverse”. Perverse is the word from which “perversion” is taken. It means living in a way that deviates from what is considered moral or right or proper or good; i.e. "a perverted sense of loyalty". In contrast, to have faith means to have a center, an axis, a single point of reference for the living of life. The development of our faith is subject to hazard, and constant doubt, without our conscious awareness. In our day to day lives, we can very easily and quickly pulled in so many directions. The source of the distraction is from within us—from our selfish need for security, survival, for esteem and affection, for power and control. The ego seeks these things without our conscious awareness. We judge others as a matter of habit and practice…and we are perverse. When we seek “to be right” over “to be loving”, we are perverse. For something to become a center of life—a single reference point, it must, in some way...