Busyness and business
I really do enjoy my day job these days. I am involved in an industry that is undergoing a true transformation. The healthcare industry. The post acute care segment is stepping forward into the limelight, because of patient preference( do you want to go to the hospital today?), costs of care( ever gotten a hospital bill?), and the advance of technology. At the root of this transformation is the focus of caring for infirm and dying patients who need very specific sensitivity and mercy. [Luckily for the patients, they don't have to look to me personally for that care!] Most fortunately, I have been blessed by association with the most innovative software system in home health care at the present. I have placed markers at several intervals during this busy time, and noted where I have perceived the supernatural in the midst of the new relationships, the meetings, the speaking engagements, the management meetings and decisions, the new hires, the company growth and profitability, ...