The thing about mystery is that we don't "get it"...
"The mystery of the Crucified" that Paul speaks of-- in I Corinthians--isn't a statement about Jesus being victimized by the Jews and Romans, or is it a pro-Christian rallying cry, but it is a deep and meaningful metaphor for the universal pattern of disorder inside of order, tragedy inside of holiness, surprise inside of consistency, the last being first, death inside of life, and the fly that seems to get in the ointment. There is a universal pattern of paradox that is as old as the Hindu scriptures, the aphorisms of Confucius and the Books of Exodus and Job. ---excerpted from Rohr, "The Naked Now" In science, chaos theory is mentioned. Things disintegrate, and integrate. God is One, and within that Oneness is light and dark, life and death, goodness and its opposite. His view is over all and in all. The whole is expressed in the yin/yang of the Tao. In the simple naming of himself as yhwh~~"I am". We are trained as humans to think in a binary...