Being Led by Light

O Enlightened One Life Giving Spirit May I bear Your Image, and Be a Child of Light . ~ Sciretti I am drawn to the analogy and the words of scripture that describe the influence of Holy Spirit in my life as "light". The concept of what it means to be "enlightened" is a compelling mystery to me as I continue to study and seek to follow the Lord Christ, thereby being transformed into a different person. Last evening, in three year old choir at Calvary, we sang "This little light of mine"...(and we sang it quite well, and most enthusiastically, I might add.) ...on Tuesday in my "brothers of the rule"group, where Mike led us in the chant I restated above, we were reminded that each of us has an essential self, a little Child of Light baby, that must be fed, nurtured, cared for, and "grown" in order for it to be strong and capable of being the primary source of our individual self's decisions and insight. This Essence--"this little...