Being Led by Light

O Enlightened One
Life Giving Spirit
May I bear Your Image, and
Be a Child of Light. ~ Sciretti
I am drawn to the analogy and the words of scripture that describe the influence of Holy Spirit in my life as "light". The concept of what it means to be "enlightened" is a compelling mystery to me as I continue to study and seek to follow the Lord Christ, thereby being transformed into a different person.
Last evening, in three year old choir at Calvary, we sang "This little light of mine"...(and we sang it quite well, and most enthusiastically, I might add.)
...on Tuesday in my "brothers of the rule"group, where Mike led us in the chant I restated above, we were reminded that each of us has an essential self, a little Child of Light baby, that must be fed, nurtured, cared for, and "grown" in order for it to be strong and capable of being the primary source of our individual self's decisions and insight.
This Essence--"this little light of mine" --or my essential self-must be valued, and empowered, and this is made possible through the openness and space created by and through the 'death'/metamorphosis of my ego, my constructed false Self, which has been taking the lead and asserting itself since I was 2 or 3 years old.
This metamorphosis and the need for it to be happening in our life, to me is a fact for each of us. The Master informs us that we are to live from that Source, that "light" within each of us. That light is the eternal, God created *GPS* within each of us. [*God Presence System*] We are being called each day to die to our False Constructed Self, allowing our own constructed identity to diminish, and to live and move and have our Being in this enlightened, essential Self.

"Are there not at least twelve hours of daylight? If you walk by day
you do not stumble, because of the natural light around you. If, however,
you walk by night, you will fall, because there is no daylight to guide you.
Believe in the light that you may become
of the light."
Be active while you have the light present with you,
for darkness is rapidly falling. Those that walk in darkness are the lost,
and if the blind are leading the blind, then both are destined to
fall" ~The Words of Jesus the Christ
So, today I am seeking and adding this supplication to my prayers:
"Lord, by Your ever present, enlightening Spirit, invigorate and empower the Light of your Presence within my heart, and inspire me to live from this Light Filled Center, so I might be Spiritually Sighted and not blind, found by You and not lost, and able to be filled with this ever growing Child of Light within that I may be enabled to rightly divide the Word of Truth, a workman that does not need to be ashamed and a Joyful Presence for all with whom I encounter today, with thanksgiving for the Light of your Loving Presence. Amen."


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