Yeshua-Jesus is the "icon" of paradox

Jesus is the icon of what Paul in I Corinthians 2:6-16 alludes to as Christ Consciousness --the unitive view of life that 'encompasses paradox'. He is : human-yet divine; heavenly-yet earthly; physical-yet spiritual; possessing a male body-yet a female soul; killed-yet alive; powerless- yet powerful; victim- yet victor; failure-yet redeemer; marginalized-yet central; singular-yet everyone; incarnate-yet cosmic; nailed-yet liberated; in one person solving the great philosophical problem of the One and the many. Take this an a Christian axiom: (1) All statements and beliefs about Jesus are also statements and beliefs about the journey of the soul (birth, chosenness, ordinary life, initiation, career, misunderstanding, and opposition, failure, death in several forms, resurrection, and return to God); (2) All statements about the Christ are statements about the Body of Christ, too. We are not the Historical Jesus, but we are the body of Christ. "Christ...