Grace and awareness

The great mystics of all religions agree that in the very depths of the unconscious, in every one of us, there is a Living Presence that is not touched by time, place, or circumstance. Life has only one purpose, they add, and that is to discover that Presence. The men and women who have done this-Francis of Assisi, for example, Mahatma Gandhi, Teresa of Avila, the Compassionate Buddha--are proof of the words of Jesus The Christ, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." ~ Easwaran But every one of them would be quick to tell you that no one can enter the realm of that Kingdom and discover the One who lives there, who has not brought the movements of the mind under control. And, they do not pretend that our own efforts to tame the mind will suffice in themselves. Grace , they remind us, is all important. Thomas a Kempis prays, "that I may be able to fulfill they words, and to work out my own salvation." The Hallmark of the man or woman of God is gratitude: endle...