
Showing posts from December 9, 2021

A Metaphysics of Hope

Fr. Rohr spoke to us through the writing of Cynthia Bourgeault. Today is a day which must begin in hope. For as the heavens reach beyond earth and time, we swim in mercy as in an endless sea. —Psalm 103:11 Cynthia Bourgeault explores the idea that mystical hope is something that arises from within us, not as a result of our own effort, but as a fruit of our ability to consciously abide in what she calls “the Mercy” of God. Bourgeault writes: We ourselves are not the source of that [mystical] hope; we do not manufacture it. But the source dwells deep within us and flows to us with an unstinting abundance, so much so that in fact it might be more accurate to say we dwell within it. . . . The term I will use to describe this embodying fullness is “the Mercy.” It is the water in which we swim. Mercy is the length and breadth and height and depth of what we know of God—and the light by which we know it. You might even think of it as the Being of God insofar as we can possibly penetrate into...