Leaving resentment in God's Hands

He insulted me, he cheated me, he beat me, he robbed me
- those who are free of resentful thoughts surely
find peace.

-The Buddha

Resentment is nothing more than compulsive attachment to a
set of memories. If you could peek through the window of the
mind when you feel resentful, you would see a production
line turning out the same emotion-charged memory over and
over: "He did that to me in 1993, he did that to me in
1993 . . ." You are dwelling on something that took
place in the past - or, more likely, on how you
misunderstood that event and reacted to your
When you keep pumping attention into an
event in this way, a limp little memory gets blown up into a
big balloon of hostility.
When you withdraw your attention
by repeating the mantram, the balloon is deflated.
It's as simple as that. ~ Sri Easwaran

I am definitely synchronous with Sri Easwaran's position, in that my own personal mantra is
the Jesus Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me." I need grace within my own life--I can extend grace to others who have hurt or offended me.
It is like "nursing a grudge"--the more your allow your thoughts, driven by your small ego driven self, to keep that resentment cooking--the more it means to you, and the more offense you take. When that happens, we are predisposed to judge, malign, and seek vengeance.
Not a Christlike action, but a selfish action.
I am in constant need of "getting over myself" and being submitted to the Word of God. So what if someone does something that you disagree with, or is overextending their boundaries?
Resentment is a festering wound to the ego.
Live from the Center, the Essence--the place within(the heart) where the Christ Consciousness is reigning. If Jesus is Lord, (Lord of one's heart) then you will do as He did, and overcome resentment with His own Prayer: "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing..."
Stay at peace within yourself, and let the Lord take your resentment, nail it to the cross where it belongs, dead...and assign any vengeance you may seek, to the Lord. Christ died to relieve you from the sting of it.


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