"ego sum,nolite timere"

Christ is the Great "I am". He reassures Peter and the disciples who are shivering in fear in the boat on the sea as he approaches on the water. They are overwhelmed by the circumstance of the storm, raging all around them. In this state of fear, they are shocked by the apparition they see in the maelstrom--an image of a man walking on the raging waves!
As an entrepreneur, dependent on the whims of clients and new business, I live in what to me is sometimes a storm of uncertainty. Life's circumstances seem to me to be engulfing my fearfilled self. For me, I am in a state of doubt and anguish.
The three basic needs of life seem to be out of my ability to achieve--1.power and control, 2.security and survival, 3.esteem and affection.
The present storm is washing away my sense of security and survival: I can hear my small self/"ego" saying--"you are not going to make it!", or it is threatening my own ability to exert any sense of "control"-"there is no way you can get yourself out of this situation--it is out of control", or - my own need for esteem from others-"nobody cares a whit about you, your opinion or your well being-you are a nobody, dude."
Just as the trembling guys felt out there in the storm, all seems lost! I am sunk!
What I must seek is the silence, the solitude, where once again, I can simply draw aside, exit from the maelstrom, so I can once again listen and hear the still, small voice of The Christ speaking his eternal word to my fearful heart: Be still,and know that 'I am", it is I, do not be afraid.
Only when I meditate on His word, draw aside into the secret place where He resides within, can I sense His reassurance, His presence. When I look into His face, hear his calm assurance and know His presence, I can once again realize that by His word, the storm is transformed to peace. The maelstrom is stilled to 'the still waters'--where He , the shepherd can lead me...if I but obey and follow.
This - to me-- is the Way, the Truth and is The Abundant Life-walking in Yoke, with His Voice, the only voice to which I am listening.
This is the peace that passes all understanding!
I can be in no better place and perceive no greater peace than this, in this present life.