"Like a ball batted back and forth, a human being is batted
by two forces within."
-Yogabindu Upanishad
"As human beings we have a divided nature - partly
physical, but essentially spiritual. We are constantly
batted by two conflicting forces. One force is the fierce
downward thrust of our past conditioning as separate,
self-oriented, physical creatures. Yet built into our very
nature is an inner drive that will not let us be satisfied
with a life governed only by biological laws. Some inner
evolutionary imperative is constantly exhorting us to grow,
to reach for the highest that we can conceive." Eswaran
I liken this ancient Indian spiritual teaching in the Upanishad
to the concepts of the False Self and the Essential Self.
"The Work" of Transformation would cast the dilemma in the terms
of being open to an objective observation of the driving force
within my life.
Which of the polar opposite influences in my life do I follow?
1. The Holy Ghost, expansive, unified, whole and pure--which is
said(by Christ and many other wisdom teachers to whom I seek to
listen)- to abide within me, in my heart, my essence?
2. The ego-compulsive, and selfish?
Through daily meditative practice,
through stillness and silence
where I can once again find the Essence of life,
I must objectively and habitually retreat, and thus choose.
You can do it! Yes you can.
I claim to be an average man of less than average ability.I have not the shadow of a doubt that any man or woman can achieve what I have if he or she would make the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith. -Mahatma Gandhi So, are you willing to give it your best? In this transformation of the small i's to the Real I, the essence, are you willing? to do the Work? Resolve to awaken to the inner motivations of the small self within. Observe yourself. Put some separation between you and your small self/ego. Observe your own behavior, thoughts, actions, motivations. Let the Spirit filter the way you respond to stresses from outside. For the Word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two edged sword, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart-----------your heart! Who is The Living Word? The logos? You know.