Observing our thoughts mindfully

"Thoughts of themselves have no substance; let them arise and

pass away unheeded.Thoughts will not take form of themselves,

unless they are grasped by the attention; if they are ignored,

there will be no appearing and no disappearing."


Eswaran uses an analogy of actors on a stage to explain how our thoughts
can be managed using the direction of our attention:

"Life is a kind of play in which we are called upon to play
our part with skill.
But in meditation we are sometimes more
like the audience, while our thoughts are the actors.
If we
could go backstage, we could see all the actor-thoughts getting made up.
Anger is there putting on his long fangs.
Fear is rattling his chains. Jealousy is admiring herself in the mirror and smearing on green mascara.

Now, these thought-actors are like actors and actresses everywhere: they thrive on a
responsive audience. When
Jealousy comes out on stage and we sit forward on our seats, she really puts on a show. But on the other hand, what happens if nobody comes to see the performance?

No actor likes to play to an empty house. If they're real professionals, they might give their best
for a couple
of nights, but after that they're bound to get a little slack.
Jealousy doesn't bother with her makeup
any more; who's going to admire it?

Anger throws away his fangs. Fear puts away his chains.
Whom can they impress?

Finally, the whole cast gives it up as a bad job and goes home.

In other words, when you can direct attention, your thinking will never be compulsive again."

In the practice of centering prayer, we are instructed to
"let go" of the thoughts and compulsions that drive our thinking and cause us to mindlessly drift off into obsessive and anxious thinking. In the Work of Transformation, we are seeking to listen and to observe-- and begin to understand when the small, or false self, or our ego, is seeking to direct our thoughts and actions.
We are learning to direct our attention towards the Real, not the false.
And , after observing for a while, it becomes apparent that there are many thought-voices that seek attention. Anger, jealousy, envy, pride, anxiety, fear, doubt,
judgment towards others, self righteousness, an unforgiving coldness.
Do these varied and diverse thoughts come from the Mind of Christ, or
do they emerge from a false self within us who is speaking from insecurity,
or from an overweening desire for esteem, or a never ceasing compelling

need for power over others?
Our lives become more serene, more at peace, when we dismiss the false self compulsions and thoughts, and direct our attention towards the life giving thoughts of the Master within us.
It is quite a formidable challenge to allow the Real Conscience,

the Mind of Christ, to assume full operating authority over your thought life.
This detachment, this direction of our attention,
is the Work of our lives,
and determines to a great degree if we are to truly
walk *in yoke* with Christ daily.


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