Filtering our impressions

Maurice Nicoll(1884-1953) was a 20th Century teacher and sage and the leading interpreter of the 4th Way--or "The Work" fo self observation, and transformation. He is best known for his Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, a multi-volume collection of talks he gave to his study groups.
Much of his teaching focuses on many positive and creative aspects of self observation and personal transformation. He was a teacher of the Enneagram, and of the extensive "Work" of becoming all we can become in Christ.
His comment regarding the Kingdom of God/Heaven has special meaning for me.
Christ in the Gospels said: "The Kingdom of God comes not with observation: neither shall they say: "Lo! Here it is!", or "Lo, there it is!", for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you." The Gospel is not something from outside, like a civic club, that if you would only join you would be liberated. When it is said that the 'Kingdom is within you', by thi is meant a state in which the hypnotism of life no longer acts on us and in which we are invested with the influence of ideas from a quite different  source.(aka Christ Consciousness).

The challenge day to day is remembrance--remembering that indeed the Kingdom is within me--and that Christ abides within me and can filter the negative impressions that the world seems to constantly throw my way. I think this is precisely why Jesus established the ritual of the Eucharist, or holy communion. To instill remembrance within us, individually and collectively, is essential if we are live life in a balanced and unperturbed way.
This is a primary aim of mine, and one that I have much Work to do upon, if I am ever to live above and unattached from the negative emotions and impressions that come of interaction with others...and from the circumstances of life.


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