Learning to Pray...as spoken by G.I. Gurdjieff

"ONE MUST LEARN TO PRAY, JUST AS ONE MUST LEARN EVERYTHING ELSE. Whoever knows how to pray and is able to concentrate in the proper way, his prayer can give results. But it must be understood that there are different prayers and that their results are different. This is known even from ordinary divine service. But when we speak of prayer or of the results of prayer we always imply only one kind of prayer—petition, or we think that petition can be united with all other kinds of prayers.… Most prayers have nothing in common with petitions. I speak of ancient prayers; many of them are much older than Christianity. These prayers are, so to speak, recapitulations; by repeating them aloud or to himself a man endeavors to experience what is in them, their whole content, with his mind and his feeling."
~G.I. Gurdjieff

So, I must learn to pray continually. Like the disciples at Jesus feet--"teach us to pray, like John taught his disciples."
What Gurdjieff means, I think, is that we can learn to pray from all different activities, praying the scripture, the Psalms, Lectio Divina, and other spiritual readings. I am starting to see that body movement, and sacred chanting are also other ways to pray. Prayer is possible out loud in front of and in participation with others, and silently. In groups and alone. The Spirit lives within us and is able to pray on our behalf. I believe that in order to actually pray with effectiveness, we must humbly and respectfully approach the matter. The word of God has promised that He will come to our aid if we pray with humility!
“ God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”-I Peter 5:5, James 4:6, Proverbs 3:34
Scripture gives a strong impression that humility is the thing that opens the doors of God's grace. Prideful behavior, such as our inward thoughts of being better than others, or scornful of others in thought, in word, or in deed blocks the rays of God's light from our lives.
How much of our church and civic life is accompanied by the pride of life, self righteous judgmental thoughts and behaviors? Too much of the life of modern day church-ism is affected by the prideful judgment, and scorn of so called followers of Christ.,,directed at fellow Christians.
But back to prayer. This is an area where all of us can grow, if we are humble before the Lord and others.
So, I am encouraged and I want to learn the many ways to pray, and trust Jesus Humbly to teach me along the way.


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