Discrimination and discernment

Loss of discrimination is the greatest source of danger. -Sanskrit proverb

The greatest source of danger to a human being is loss of discrimination, and this is the main malady in our modern civilization, where we have lost our capacity to differentiate between what is necessary and useful, and what is unnecessary and harmful. How often do we stop and ask, "What is really important? What matters most to me?" If every one of us starts asking this simple question, it will transform our daily lives and even the world in which we live. After all, we need clean air and water more than we need microwave ovens. Doing work that is meaningful and of service to others is more important than owning luxury cars.We need loving human relationships more than we need home entertainment systems. Many modern conveniences make life more pleasant and can save time. We needn't live without them, but when we begin to think such things are not merely useful but prized possessions, we may gradually lose our discrimination. In order to understand what is important in life, what our real priorities are, discrimination is essential. ~ Easwaran

This is a subject that has a very vast upside. Our discrimination points to our Values, which can be defined as dualistic or unified. The Kingdom of God is unity, true unity in diversity. One can reference the "shema"-"the Lord our God is One"...to fortify this viewpoint.

  • Are my values Kingdom values, or world values?

  • Do I place more emphasis in my life on the season of my favorite football, soccer or basketball team, or on the comings and goings of my favorite television program?

  • Do I place emphasis on how my essential inner thoughts and yearnings are shaped?

  • Am I awake to the need to meaningful inner Work, in order to overcome the urges of the false self system of the world, and to a peace filled, holistic appreciation of the things in this life that truly 'matter'?

Jesus put it plainly--"seek first the Kingdom of God", and all these other things will fall into place.
Discriminate what is truly important and of value.

Like I began--this is a subject which can be the source of much meditation and of much scriptural study.

Let us ponder this together.

  • Do I discriminate what occupies my mind and my time, based on the essential, or based on what is false and superficial?

If one is connected to the Source, then Wisdom can shed light on how to discriminate, and what 'divining rod' or 'plumb line' must be utilized.
The eternal, the absolute...scripture and wisdom literature of the ages are good sources from whence to begin. To miss the mark in this area is a great danger.

The Sanskrit saying is so true.


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