finding fault--grading papers vs taking tests

I tell you one thing - if you want peace of mind, do not find 
fault with others. Rather learn to see your own faults. 
Learn to make the whole world your own. No one is a
stranger, my child; this whole world is your own.

-Sri Sarada Devi
When we get even the slightest glimpse of the unity of life,
we realize that in tearing others down we are tearing
ourselves down too. When you sit in judgment on other people
and countries and races, you're training your mind to
sit in judgment on yourself. As we forgive others, we are
teaching the mind to respond with forgiveness everywhere,
even to the misdeeds and mistakes of our own past. ~Sri Easwaran
Why is being judgmental so easy and not being judgmental so difficult for us? 
Why do we persist in finding so much fault with others, but seldom "get the plank out of own eye?" 
Does it make us feel more worthy or more on top of the world, if we are putting others down? Yes.
Lots of people are critical...and it is easier being a critic than being a creator.
I appreciate the old adage--
"it much easier to grade the papers, than it is to take the test..." 
Let us come to the realization that everyone is fighting a battle, and is doing the best that they can. 
I need to extend this grace to my brothers and sisters, and maybe that will cause more grace to 
exist in the world, or at least in the part of the world where I exist.


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