Stay Busy on worthwhile tasks

Have thy heart in heaven and thy hands upon the earth.
Ascend in piety and descend in charity. For this is the
Nature of Light and the way of the children of it.

-Thomas Vaughan

When our hands are busy with a worthwhile task, and our mind is
busy with the mantram, we won’t have much chance to brood on
our problems. Cravings will not have a chance to grow.

Self-centered desires need a lot of attention to thrive.
They are like delicate houseplants, not very hardy. Unless
their needs are met precisely, they cannot last long. If we
do not water and fertilize them regularly – think about
them, dream about them, plan and wish – they will wither and
die. To get plants to thrive, it is considered helpful to
talk to them in soothing, friendly tones. Destructive
desires thrive on talk too; the more we talk about them, the
stronger they get.

So whenever you feel driven by a compulsive, destructive
urge, don’t analyze it; don’t talk about it; don’t dwell on
it. Turn your attention away from it by throwing yourself
into work for others. It can starve the desire away.~Easwaran
As I have been reflecting on the discord around me lately,
I have come to a conclusion.
Some people must not have enough to do occupy their minds.
Sowing seeds of discord, and passing about strife born of
selfish perspectives are time consuming things. It takes thought,
brooding, effort to foment an uprising amongst church members.

For my church, I pray that the Lord will give us meaningful
work in service to others.
Maybe that is the best cure for discord.
May it be so today.


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