There is hope in being transformed!

As iron put into the fire loseth its rust and becometh clearly red-hot, so one who wholly turneth unto God puts off all slothfulness, and is transformed. -Thomas a Kempis
We are made in the image of God. The image is there, but we
need to put in the work to reveal it. Whenever I hear someone say, "This is just the way I am; I've got to learn to live with it," I want to plead, "Don't ever say that!" The miracle of human existence is that we can change.
Simply by virtue of being human, we have the capacity to change ourselves completely.

All of us carry a cleansing fire hidden inside. It may be banked with ashes, cold to the touch, but a spark of the divine is there nonetheless, ready to leap into life. It is nothing less than love of God. Latent in every one of us, it wants only encouragement before it flares to vibrant life, burning up everything selfish and impure. Once ignited and coaxed with the fuel of love for others, it sheds light and warmth all around. [~Easwaran]
While studying the word of the Spirit passed down from Yeshua's brother, James, I am once more reminded that the path to transformation is the essence of Jesus' teaching. James was not one to "beat around the bush". His direct instruction to his church in Jerusalem where it is believed he assumed the role of Pastor, was to the point.
"So whatever you say or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law that sets you free." James 2:12
His message was that of accountability. I am to held accountable by the Word of God that I have been given as instruction.
Plain and simple.
Am I allowing the Word, the teaching of Christ, to change me, to transform me?
Good question. All of life is spent in properly formulating a good answer.


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