Disagreement with detachment

One who would be serene and pure needs but one thing, detachment.
~Meister Eckhart
This form of detachment is a practice that I seek to emulate each day, some days with more positive effect than others. It is hard to submit our "right to be right". In fact, the competitive drive in some of us makes it almost impossible to accept other's points of view--that differ from our own. Ever notice how some folks always seem to "have to be" right? It is tiresome to be around such folks.
That is why I want to work on that tendency in myself.
Moreover, I find it subtly challenging--not only to detach from my own opinions, but at the same time not to be detached from being sensitive to others feelings and emotions. I find that I take detachment too far, and get detached from others and those I love, creating distance and without intending to, creating a feeling of aloofness, or worse, superiority. As an Enneagram 3, I tend to push away the pain, and can unconsciously and unintentionally create distance between myself, my essential self, and others, in order to avoid 'my precious ego' being "hurt".
This is why detachment is a challenging practice for me...and so it makes it doubly difficult to continue the transformation that I know the Master is calling me to, as I continually seek to grow in wisdom, and to be "a balanced and sly man", committed to Christ and His people.