Obey with balanced action after contemplation

"Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you?”—Jesus the Christ

Jesus-of-Turin This is a valid question.

Why don’t I simply take what he commands me to do, without hesitation?

What are some things I randomly disobey?

One example is my ongoing neglect of the needs of others, specifically the poor, and also I do not vigilantly attend to the condition of my own heart before God. Jesus chided the Pharisees about this in Luke 11:38-44. They were criticizing him for not meticulously washing before dinner…looking for a way to put him down, like most all self righteous, super-religious folks do.

“Turn both your pockets and your hearts inside out and give generously to the poor; then your lives will be clean, not just your dishes and your hands.” ( The Message, Luke 11:41)

  • Am I truly concerned about the needs of those who are poor all about me?
  • How often do I really turn my heart inside out?
  • How often do I face the facts about the thoughts and intentions of my heart, and subject these dark places to the Light and Conviction of the Word of God?

Fr. Richard Rohr calls this the balanced life of action and contemplation. I must not only do the inner soul work of observing my small, clinging self through the third eye of the Spirit of God, but also I am to take action and serve my brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than me.

That is what obedience is, a balanced life of action and listening contemplation…seeking to listen to the words of Christ, in silence contemplate the meaning as applied to one’s life--- and then take action to obey his words in my daily life’s walk.

  • I hear you, Lord. I need strength to do what you command. I cannot do it without your empowerment. May I be open to listen and obey in your Grace and Mercy, and with your Truth.


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