Our ‘position’ in Christ

“For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?”

                                                             ~Paul of Tarsus

theotokos One of the most repeated phrases in scripture in both the old and the new testaments is that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

A key aspect of that humility that is a prerequisite for the receiving of grace from God is to realize—each day, as best I can—each moment, that my life is a pure gift. All I have and all I “am” is wrapped up in the Creator’s creation of ‘me’ as a human being. It is an imperative for my life as a disciple in yoke with Christ, to acknowledge—each and every day, that today, now, is a gift. We are to receive today with thanksgiving.

Moreover, since all we have is given, then we are called upon directly to emulate the Giver and live a life based on Generosity. My own emerging ‘life theory’ has to do with allowing the Spirit of God to transform my heart, from a posture of self absorbed, self aggrandizement, to a posture of kenosis—a pouring out of self, so that all I am is of God.

A big part of that aim of Christ induced, Christ emulating kenosis is accomplished by obedient giving—freely, as one who has been given all he has, by a loving, generous, grace giving Father. I am to emulate Yahweh, who gives and gives and gives—it is His nature. God is love.

“Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.”

                                                              ~ I Cor. 2:12

Why, I couldn’t even come to this conclusion,  attempting to follow Christ in yoke, unless He gave His Spirit to me so I can understand what He has given!

In this season where giving is a focus, I am compelled to give, because of what God took the initiative to give, when he breathed the very breath of life into humankind, and now, especially, because of what He initiated –that very special gift He gave- by His Grace-on that first Christmas.


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