can we diagram the inner ‘divine precinct’?

The Divine Precinct is where our body, souls and spirits dwell when we are dedicated to the service of the King of Kings.
The diagrams that my brothers and I were shown recently while on retreat shows the process of re-orientation, from the egoic realm where we live most days and waking moments, to the Divine Precinct—the “holy of holies” where the Spirit of God dwells within my heart.
It is interesting to consider that our inner chamber is set up just like the original  Temple in Jerusalem( II Chron. 2:3) that YHWH told Solomon to construct, after it was revealed years earlier that his father David was unqualified to do... apparently our Creator has our hearts in mind when He laid out the plans for the Temple in Jerusalem.
Just as the priests who ministered at this original Temple had to be ritually cleansed through sacrifice and through baptism or cleansing, so do our hearts, and lives. This diagram expresses and symbolizes the soma(body), psyche(soul) and pneuma (spirit).  We need that purgation, in order to receive the illumination of the the Word, and finally to experience the “henosis”(union) that accompanies an encounter with the Divine. All dualism fades. Unity/one-ness prevails.
What  to me is most profound is the word “contemplative”, “contemplation”, and the meaning of “contemplative prayer”, and “contemplative life” is found in the diagram as well.
The original Greek enriches this: “Con”- with or within; and “templum”-the temple—the contemplative learns how to enter the sacred space—the divine precinct, through this process—of “en-templing”.
Take a look at the diagram and see if you can see the parallels to your inner self. Click here:  The Temple of the Heart.
The symbolism is rich, and the meaning resonates…


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