Church: a divinely mandated enigma

"The church is a miracle, conceived of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus was—both unexpected, marginalized, and scandalous to outside observers. "

                                                                 ( Eugene Peterson)

Disillusionment is the majority opinion in this country, in regards to church.

More folks are disillusioned about church than those who are excited about God's Spirit moving within his church.

It is easier to judge and abandon church and the imperfect folks within the church than it is to forgive, accept, and love the church, and its people—as Christ did, and does to this day. That disillusioned, hurt and divisive response to the varied relationship entanglements of church people, is the easy, judgmental way out and frankly, is outside of Christ’s plan for his church.

My heartfelt conviction is that church is what “we are to be about” as followers of Christ…not a consumer product to be bought, or to be compared, one to another…based on our preference for music, compelling preaching, or quality children’s programs.

Let go of your hurts and disillusionment about “why the church and its people are imperfect”.

I am tired of hearing about what’s wrong with the church.

I am more interested in what’s right.

Let the Spirit inspire you to get involved in the organic life of the church. Join and get involved. It is a featured part of the gospel, kingdom, resurrection life. It’s the Kingdom of God, in our midst.


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