“What” to hate, “who” to love

In a similar way, each of us is led astray by the passions, but if he is at peace with God and his neighbor he overcomes them all. These passions are “the world” that St. John the Theologian told us to hate(I John 2:15), meaning that we are to hate, not God’s creatures, but our own worldly desires. The soul is at peace with God when it is at peace with all men, even if it suffers terrible things at their hands. Because of its forbearance it is not perturbed, but bears all things( I Corinthians 13:7), wishes good to all, loves all, both for Gods’ sake and for the sake of their own nature.

~St. Peter of Damaskos

Many times I misdirect my angst against people rather than against the worldly desires of my lower nature that constantly confuse my emotions.

The ‘passions’ are erupted due to my own immature, overweening desires for the esteem and affection of others, the pursuit of personal wealth to enhance my own sense of security and survival, and the urges to assume power or control over others.

When I can truly “let go” of my own lower self’s desires for security/survival ; power/control; and esteem/affection, then I am more able to grow in the Spiritual Fruits of forbearance, love, patience, kindness and gentleness—and indeed, self control.

This is what it means to live by the Spirit.

It is only when I am filled by the Spirit that I am at peace with God, that is, my essential Self within where the Spirit abides, and with my neighbor, whom I cannot love unless I am doing so through and by the Spirit.

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” Galatians 5:16.


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