
My work as a technology company sales engineer, consultant, and manager has been greatly improved, augmented and complemented by our alliance and association with the folks at Clearview, the group of former Arthur Andersen, EDS, ACS,  and Accenture consultants who have built the Waco Internet Technology Gateway in Waco. This is the datacenter where we now maintain our offices in Downtown Waco.

One thing I appreciate so much and have made part of my work day, and sales discipline—is taking painstaking time to prepare—especially for prospect presentations. The guys who have spent their careers as consultants know that this is very much a Best Practice. Now, when we are seeking to make a presentation to a client, or prospect, or even to have a discovery meeting to work on building a relationship, my work mate Josh and I make sure we rehearse that meeting, carefully scripting the message, carefully wording the ideas, the thought processes behind our solution or project plans.

What this yields, what we are doing --  is actually creating a situation that yields sales success. Clients want to hire and work with professionals who know their profession and who have confidence in their ability to guide and assist them in the development of new software platforms and systems integrations, or contractual relationships to manage their IT.

Tritely we say that “practice makes perfect”. Every proposition we assert has to be tested, to be vetted, to be verbalized and reiterated in practice, so that we are doing our best to “perfect” our message.

You think that requiring the all season bumbling Dallas Cowboys to carefully practice in pads all week, to dress professionally, to go through all the game plans with attention to details, like execution of key plays and techniques, being careful of each assignment, was not a good idea?

The results seem self evident. Ask the NY Football Giants. I really appreciate Jason Garrett’s cerebral approach to game preparation. He reminds me of Tom Landry. Thoughtful. Quiet. Confident. Attention to detail. Prepared.

Isn’t there a parallel in our walk with Christ, in becoming more and more like Him?

In my experience with Christ consciousness over the past twelve years, the more time I spend alone, in preparation for each day, in soaking in all His Word for me, in remaining, abiding, allowing His presence within my heart and soul to burn afresh and anew within me each new morning, the more confident, prepared, and able I sense myself to be, to face the issues of the day, to make right decisions, in paying attention to detail.

He reminds me that all I do, I do in the name of Christ, who strengthens me. He is here, He is alive---within my own life, my soul, my heart.

Therefore, I am not surprised when He “shows up”!

I simply need to make sure, to make certain- that I am once again alive with the discernment of His Holy Spirit-- aware of His abiding guidance and presence.

He is with us always—even unto the end of the age. I must listen to what He is whispering into my heart—He is the best Life Coach ever…and is the supreme consultant. He is the One who made all the careful preparations for my salvation, in concert with the Father…and is ready to help me with each day’s work. Now. In the present. As the scripture says—today is the day of salvation!


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