The Apostle John & The Master

In J. Philip Newell’s book, “Christ of the Celts”, the author shares a story from a non canonical manuscript. In it, Jesus in a dream, ( it seems John was prone to do some “Holy Dreaming”) encounters the apostle –whom He loved. This is a post resurrection event. and this account is from the Secret Book of John, a second century manuscript uncovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt.

In the account described in this ancient(2nd century) text, The Risen Eternal Christ says to John—that we…

…“as humans have forgotten ourselves, that we all share in this “bond of forgetfulness”. He elaborates, “We do not know ourselves, nor do we remember our beginnings. We are in what is like a deep sleep. The more distant we become from our essential or true self, the more we fall under the sway of the false self, or what he in the encounter calls “the counterfeit self”.

There are common traits to this false self, Christ goes on to explain, “The bond of forgetfulness is characterized by three symptoms, ignorance, falseness and above all, anxiety. When we lose touch with the wisdom we were created with, and which resides in the true self, we live out of ignorance.” Christ goes on to explain, “ When we no longer remember the truth of who we are in Him, we become slaves to this falseness. And when we forget the deep root of our being, we become prone to fear, and anxiety.”

I love to read these non canonical accounts, especially when they are true to the nature and character of the Master, and the apostle, as this one is. Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. These passages are no problem for me to accept.

I am reminded how easily I slip into fear, ignorance and anxiety. I am also reminded how Christ reminds me of Whose I am. I am a child of the Father, and the brother of my Master, Christ Jesus, who is also The Lord.

Also prompted is my life verse:

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And, the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7,8



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