The Lord is here…and still cares!
“My people are hell-bent on leaving me.
They expect their false gods to help.
but they don’t lift a finger to help them.
But how can I give up on you?
How can I turn you loose?
How can I leave you to be ruined?
devastated like the luckless pagans all around you?I can't bear to even think such thoughts.
My insides churn in protest.
And so I'm not going to act on my anger.
I'm not going to destroy you.
And why?Because I am the eternal Creator and not a human.
I'm The Holy One and I'm here—in your very midst.”~Hosea 11:7-9, amended. from The Message
Although the prophet Hosea is an Old Testament prophet—he seemed to “get” the concept and reality of the Holy Spirit, although Pentecost was not to occur until over 400-500 years later.
One of my pet peeves is the phrase – “expecting God to show up”—as if He doesn’t show up sometimes.
It is our awareness of Him that wavers, not His presence.
…and—more importantly—Hosea emphasizes the total and complete “otherness” of the The Holy One. Nothing like us. Angry, but not acting on that anger. Pure unadulterated grace. Goodness. Forgiveness. Mercy.
Thanks be to God.