What is so great about God?

"The reason God is great, that is, what is Divine for us in Him is not his power in the sense that He is stronger than the totality of forces in the universe, nor is it His foreknowledge in the sense that He foresees, as a perfect engineer, the future functioning of the forces of "the world machine", pre-calculated and pre-determined, nor even the fact that He is absolutely indispensable as the center of all gravitation-spiritual, psychic and physical- of the whole universe.
No, what is great and truly divine in God, i.e what makes every knee bow before Him, is His Faith, His Hope, and His Love.
For just as we believe in God, so also does God believe in us---but with a divinely greater and more elevated faith, His hope with regard to this immense community of free beings that we call "the world" is infinite, just as His love for all these free beings is infinite.
We do not worship God because He is able to do more than we are, or because He knows more than us, but rather because he has more Faith, Hope and Love than we do. Our Father in Heaven is more infinitely noble and generous, not only all-powerful, but all-informed. God is great through His Faith Hope and Love--and the Fear of God is basically that of offending such nobleness and generosity."
- Meditations on the Tarot,Letter XIII - Death, p.367-368,
"To live by Faith, to be known by Love, and to be a Voice of Hope" is a reflection of our worship of the only one worthy of such elevated admiration and adoration, our Creator, our Father, who is in heaven, as Jesus says.
Why we as a church cast this byword aside still puzzles me.


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