This just in...

I found this blurb in an article on the Baylor University website.
Very interesting, and I can personally attest to its findings.

American Entrepreneurs Pray More. 
Starting a business is not for the faint of heart. Days, months and years may be spent toiling in financial uncertainty and meeting the demands of running a business, leaving little time for other endeavors, including religious involvement. But the survey found that religion does not impede starting a new business. The Baylor Religion Survey found that entrepreneurs are as likely as non-entrepreneurs to believe in God, to participate in a congregation and to read Scripture. Where American entrepreneurs do stand out is that they pray and meditate more than non-entrepreneurs. A third pray several times a day or meditate, in contrast to a quarter or less of non-entrepreneurs.
"The differences are modest but meaningful," said Kevin D. Dougherty, Ph.D., an associate professor of sociology at Baylor. "It could be that the stress and struggle of new business ventures drive people to their knees." (p. 25, Figure 27) 

I agree. 


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