Remembering The Lord's provision

From Easwaran:
"When on the bridge, the pilgrim says Rama, Rama, but afterwards, it’s Kama, Kama.
– Hindu proverb"
Pilgrims traveling in the Himalayas sometimes must cross deep ravines on rope bridges. While on the bridge, which is swinging like a pendulum, everyone says Rama, Rama, Rama, “Lord, Lord, Lord,” with as much devotion as he or she can muster. But as soon as the first step is taken on terra firma, it is likely to be kama, kama, kama, “Pleasure, Pleasure, Pleasure.” When we are in the middle of turmoil we are very responsive to the mantram; but as soon as our health is good, our income is steady, and pleasures are flowing smoothly, we forget.
The Lord is a good psychologist: he knows the way our minds run. Turmoil can be his way of tapping us on the shoulder and saying, “Don’t forget me.”

I find myself in this trap most of the time. When the world's favor shines upon me~( good health, steady income, pleasures abounding), I walk confidently, sometimes arrogantly... as if I have control of my circumstances. My always expanding ego seemingly must have an ongoing challenge in order to bring this fact to remembrance-"I am NOT in control. My life is in the palm of the Lord's protective hand." 
As I repeat my own personal mantram- "Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner", I place myself where in truth I am most secure--safely in his powerful hand.
My prayer walk remains-"I let go of my need for security and survival. I let go my need for esteem and affection. I let go my need for power and control. I remember your guiding hand, leading me into the dark future, shining your light in front of me, where my feet need to trod."
Indeed, it is a lasting truth-"God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
Grace, grace, grace.
Thank you Holy Spirit, for speaking to me, even through this Hindu proverb.


Dwyane Warneke said…
I have been following your blog for a while. You comments today are profound. I wish someone would remind me daily of the direction I am traveling on this journey. I find myself in the same trap you describe and can't figure out why I keep doing that. I thank God for his grace through Jesus Christ.

Great Post.

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