Useful for transformation: A fact of the spiritual life to be 100% sure about

When asked by Tami Simon "what in the spiritual/faith realm are you 100% sure about?", modern day sage and wisdom teacher Caroline Myss replied in a way that resonated with my own experience. 
In my heart I agreed that-"I have been there and done that"--that is, the truth of her comments were validated in my own heart. 
Here's what a very provocative and insightful Meister Caroline had to say:
"What am I 100 percent sure about? Well, I am 100 percent sure that there is an evil in the world. One of the reasons that people have to pray is that evil is real, and we've done the darkness a great service by saying it doesn't exist. That's the best thing that we could do in service of evil, is deny that it's there. Nothing is a greater asset to evil than what we've done and given it, which is to say it doesn't exist. We could not have become a greater ally to the dark side than we have been in these last 30 years, than by denying that it exists. Thus we do not pray, "Keep me safe. Keep me safe. Deliver me from evil. Deliver me from evil. Keep me safe."
People don't realize how darkness operates. It's not demonic ghouls and gargoyles that hover over your home at night. Evil gets you in your pride. It makes you more boastful, it makes you more arrogant, it makes you think that things that happen to everybody else, that you consider an ordinary or common person, can't happen to you, and therefore you make careless, risky, and stupid decisions. You decide that you can get a subprime rate and turn your house over, and that other people (other people!) will have financial problems, but they will never happen to you. Why? Because you're you, and these things just don't happen to you—only to find out they do, and you fell on your own sword.

That's how evil works.

It makes you think you're special when you're not.
It makes you think that the laws of the universe do not apply to you because there's something special about you, and evil counts on your arrogance. As soon as you begin to drink that Kool-Aid, you're in big trouble!

When all of the saints and all of the great mystics write and teach about "You'd better stay humble and get off the radar," that's exactly what they're talking about. Evil thrives on arrogance, and it thrives on the pathological need that people have to be extraordinary, because the very thought of being ordinary makes people sick to their stomachs. "Tell me anything, but don't tell me I'm ordinary! I'll name my child Sunshine Meditation Karma! And then, when you look at my child, you get to say, like I do, 'You're so special!' So I'll put the blessing of specialness on my child so that they're not ordinary. Just don't tell me my child's ordinary, because then ordinary things will happen to my child, and then what will I do? I'll have to cope with the fact that my child's ordinary!"
In this pathological race to be extraordinary, we've created children that have to compete from the age of two so that they'll be extraordinary. Get into preschool (and pre-preschool!), so that by the time they're two-and-a-half, they're competing like little demons. And the parents are in soccer and in this and in that, making their children compete, and competing parents, because they cannot simply have children.
This is darkness, because the real reason they're doing what they're doing is because they're driven by the madness that they can't possibly be ordinary, and that is vanity.That, right there, is how darkness gets in.
Like Jesus and the prophets of old have said: "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble".

Meditate on this. Do you agree with her spiritual insights, or are there holes in this theory? 


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